This IPA is the official beer of The Mens Room from 99.9 KISW in Seattle and packs a punch with flavors such as mango, pineapple, tangerine, and juicy fruit.

Available on draft and to go in both tap rooms and hundreds of select local retailers.

Black Raven X Hair of the Dog

Hunter Bourbon Barrel Aged Smoked Barleywine

There she goes, A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

Presenting Hunter, a Bourbon / Rye Barrel Aged Smoked Barleywine conceptualized in Bat Country. A collaboration with our friends at @hairofthedogbrewing, aged to perfection in @woodycreekdistillers Barrels.

Available now at our taprooms in 16 oz cans & Limited Draft.

Just released

Origins IPA

The newest in our Year Round line up, Origins IPA.

The Raven is a transformative creature, with Origins in a mysterious past. In it's present identity, it's spirit brings us to the continuation of an epic journey.

Dank tangerine and tropical fruits on the nose accompanied by melon and grapefruit on the palette.

Available in 12oz/6 pks or on draft in both taprooms.

Our Newest Collab

Throne Dweller IPA

Brewed in collaboration with @grainsofwrath, the brew is a West Coast meets New Zealand IPA, with a full west coast style treatment on the Hot Side. You don't want to miss this one.

Heavy is the crown & Lonely is the Throne...

Available now in both taprooms on draft and in 16oz cans.

Mens Room 20th Anniversary Release

Mens Room Lager

Hola! Cheers to 20 Years of The Mens Room! Join us in celebrating with the release of this new Lager.

Imperial Stout

Grandfather Raven

Well, a new release of an old classic.
Grandfather Raven Imperial Stout.

In Northwest Coast Native history, the raven is often depicted as creator of the earth. This great bird, referred to as Grandfather Raven, brought the sun, moon, fire, and fresh water to the first people. We bring you our imperial stout as an offering befitting of this mythical creature.

Available now on draft in our taprooms, and in 16oz cans to go.

Black Raven x Matchless Collab

Riff Ritual IPA

You shall not pass the Riff Wizard! First you must partake in the ritual. Raise this tin chalice skyward and take a sip honoring the mightiest riffs past, present and future...Wait, who knows a drummer?

Available now in both tap rooms and in 16oz cans to go.

It's Back

Alternate Dimensions Cherry Sour

You unlock this door with the key of imagination...Beyond it is another dimension: a dimension of aroma, a dimension of mouthfeel, a dimension of taste. You're moving into a land of both tartness and fruit. You've just crossed over into...the Alternate Dimension!

Available now in both taprooms on draft and in 16oz cans.

SIFF Cinema

Golden Anniversary IPA

We have brewed a very special SIFF 50th Anniversary IPA now available on draft at Seattle’s most iconic movie experiences, SIFF Cinema Uptown, SIFF Cinema Egyptian, and SIFF Cinema Downtown.

Woodinville Raven

Trivia Night

Join us most Thursdays @7:30pm for a fun filled night of Trivia.

All are welcome!

Proud to be the Official Beer Sponsor

Created and produced by Victory Studios, Band in Seattle is a music television series that offers intimate concert experiences with the bands you know and love or are listening to for the first time by sharing the stories of how each group became who they are today.